Africa '99 - Medical Mission to Kenya

During the summer of 2001 i got involved with a medical missions team. destination: Kenya length of stay: one month (way too short). the following posts are straight copies from my paperback journal that i had kept. i tried my best to write even though i was too sick most of the time. after going through this experience i vowed to always carry a good camera where ever i go, cuz disposable cameras are not that great and not very reliable. enjoy.

Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Friday, March 10, 2006

Walking the streets

I walked the streets of Nanyuki while the medical crew did their work. Most of the time I was with Joe, a local Nanyukan, also, surprisingly, a minister, because he must be still a teenager. He translated for me as needed and of course provided protection. I had the privileage to lead two women, visiting from nairobi, to the building where the medical treatment was being held. We got lost, so we returned back to where we started. I was foolish to think I knew the way.

Interestingly enough, our driver, Charles, got lost in the streets on Nanyuki while trying to take us to a church. The funny thing was that I knew exactly where to go. It felt good being an American and giving driving directions to a Kenyan.